Alexander Technique Reviews
The Alexander Technique reviews below are all from clients who’ve come for Alexander Technique with me. It became a lot of work to keep updating these as I received them, so in the end I stopped asking! Nowadays newer reviews sit on Google and Facebook, and you might find these on the sides of this website. I really should spend some time asking my clients to add their review, but I feel a bit funny asking!
Anyhows, folks, here are just a few of my Alexander Technique reviews…
Paul Walsh comes for his Alexander Technique from Warrington:
Since working with James to develop my Alexander practice, I have seen significant improvements in my posture and, as a result, the back problems I have experienced for several years. Additionally, working in a role which involves a great deal of public speaking, I have used my Alexander practice to help me in maintaining focus and positive body language during pressurized situations at work. Highly recommended!
Janine Cottingham came from Didsbury for her Alexander Technique sessions:
“I started a series of treatments with James Crow following increasing spells of dizziness, pins and needles and neck/upper back problems.
Almost immediately I noticed improvements: my pins and needles virtually disappeared, I was able to sleep better and I felt more relaxed. My neck felt much more released and I felt my body was more co-ordinated.
This coincided with a period in my life when my father died unexpectedly and my mother became seriously ill. The techniques that James taught me helped me through this stressful time and I am sure made me better able to cope with all the changes.
I have now built semi-supine relaxation into my daily routine and it’s a great pick-me-up. I am also studying an Alexander technique group course which reinforces all I was taught by James.
I would not hesitate to recommend James’s one to one lessons to anyone with health concerns: It’s really started me on a much more healthy lifestyle”
Heaton Moor’s Edie Moss describes how Alexander Technique lessons were the key to shifting horrendous pain:
Since College I have suffered from bad back pain and horrendous shoulder pain. My sister wanted to get me checked out as we both knew something was not right. I was later diagnosed with Scoliosis, I was told that it wasn’t a serious case so was ushered away however the pain since then has been indescribable. It got to the point where I was massaging my shoulder everyday countless times trying to get rid of the agonising pain. I ended up getting physio when I was around 20, this did not help and it was not a long term solution. My dad and sister had both had lessons in the Alexander Technique and they would always rave about how it’s changed their life. I really didn’t take any notice but I knew something had to change as I’d already been to get physio but that didn’t help me at all. I ended up trying it out earlier this year, my sister arranged it with James for me.
On my first lesson, I was very honest and said I was cynical about it as I didn’t believe that I could be saved from the pain, I had tried so much and it hadn’t made any difference. I thought I would just have to live with the pain and just deal with it. When I left the lesson, I was so shocked, I was left feeling like I was on cloud 9. My body was like a blank canvas and I was starting from scratch with how to do everything. I began crying outside the surgery as all this stress and tension that I myself had created in my body was released, the feeling was incredible. I feel annoyed that I have wasted so much time being in pain when I could have sorted it earlier. James is a wonderful teacher and he made me feel so much at ease, he explained everything so well that I understand exactly what he was talking about, there was no technical jargon that I didn’t understand. He has saved me from agonising pain, INCREDIBLE!!
Huey Miin tried it for improving her piano skills:
Cath Wright arranged a workshop for her team at the Uni:
Everyone seemed to really enjoy your session. Comments were all positive, people were surprised by some of the things you said as they had expected to be told to ‘sit up straight’, and they were hoping to incorporate some of the things you told them. The only criticism was that the session should have been for longer.
Retired manager Pete Bates travels from Hyde for his Alexander Technique classes:
Just a quick note to thank you for your help and guidance with the Alexander Technique. As you are aware I had been suffering with neck and head pain for several years which I realised was probably down to tension. When I was told by a friend that the Alexander Technique might help, I was very sceptical to say the least. Firstly I had never heard of it and secondly I thought it was probably an alternative therapy that wouldn’t work. But after the first few sessions I realised that just by learning a few basics, and then letting my body act naturally I did feel much less tension. There was a gradual improvement in my posture without any conscious effort. I am now confident that with continued practise, the improvement will get better and better. Once again a big thank you.
Company director Pat comes for Alexander Technique from Heaton Mersey:
I thoroughly recommend James and his teaching of the Alexander Technique. James has helped me to deal with a significant number of difficult issues by constantly encouraging me to embrace this wonderful philosophy. I have no doubt my new “stand tall”, stay calm and be “in charge of me” has proved vital as I move forward in life. Thank you James.
Jenny Parker comes to improve her already amazing voice:
Learning the basics of the Alexander Technique has proven to be extremely helpful both to my professional performance and voice production. Having a greater awareness of my body and how I use it has resulted in being more present and poised on stage, and helped to maximise my breathing to support a better sound. I recommend Alexander Technique unreservedly to performers of all kinds, and James Crow is a careful and understanding teacher to guide you. Jennifer Parker, Mezzo Soprano RNCM
Chartered management accountant David from Crumpsall:
I went to see James for lessons after being diagnosed with a bulging disc on the left side of my neck which was causing pain and a loss of grip in my thumb and index fingers. James taught me to improve my posture and retrain my nervous system for better use. The lessons have helped to improve my health, confidence, posture and movement – clearly. David Maslin.
Roxi came for just one lesson:
“You helped a lot!… i was going to previous teacher for ten years and could not make sense to make much leap of a progress… your lesson was all fine…. made great progress to remove stubborn tension knots… glad i booked appointment and gave it another go”
Syed has been coming for lessons for a year:
I’ve suffered from what I’d describe as a chronic condition of bad posture virtually all my life. It has made life increasingly intolerable and has become a constant drag affecting and consuming all areas of my everyday life. If got to the point where I became ultimately defined by my condition, physically, emotionally and psychologically. I felt like I was held hostage by my own body with no possibility of ransom. Read more about Syed’s experience…
Sabrina Cano Morales took a series of Alexander Technique lessons in Cheshire…
My back and neck problems could either be a side effect of dancing ballet for more than 20 years, something that has come with the joys of motherhood, or it just might be my “lovely” uptight nature, but the fact is that for the last six years I have been suffering from lower back pain (with two disc prolapses) and during the last four years my neck has been in continuous pain, with the added value of some terrible headaches that could easily transform me from Dr. Jekyll to Mrs. Hyde – no one at home was safe! Read more about Sabrina’s experience…
Brian is a semi-retired GP…
I think I am very fortunate to have found James Crow to instruct me in the Alexander Technique. I went for help with my chronic headaches and low back pain, which have improved significantly. However I have also found a great insight into my body and my mind and into the relationship between them. This was very unexpected.
After just a few sessions I have learned how to look after myself better and for this I will always be grateful. Thank you James. Dr Brian Goodall.
Sue is a Director of Healthcare Communications…
Unfortunately the name ‘Alexander Technique’ (AT) doesn’t do it any justice at all. AT is really out on its own when it comes to a positive readjustment of both mind and body to help you lead a more tension-free life. James is an excellent teacher and explains everything in a way you can understand and work with. All you have to do is go with an open mind and commit to trying new ways of approaching familiar situations.
I found James after I had been treated by everyone (or it seemed like it) for a frozen shoulder. I knew that I didn’t want to have to go through that experience again and I recognised I needed to pay attention to my body and relieve it of the tension and misuse I had been subjecting it to for years. AT is working for me and therefore, I highly recommend James to you. Once you have learnt the technique and with continuous personal practice you can have a valuable tool for life. Sue Wright.
Shirley is retired and came for Alexander Technique lessons in Stockport…
Alexander to me is pain free without medication, walk tall and be happy. Shirley Frost.
Barbara from Heaton Mersey comes regularly for Alexander Technique lessons…
I first went to see James’ because I had been suffering from painful sciatica. My doctor had prescribed pain killers but although these helped a little with the pain they did nothing to cure the underlying problem. I had heard of the Alexander technique but knew very little about it but it seemed worth giving it a go! James explained the principles and worked on stretching ,relaxing and loosening my tensions, aches and pains.
After 2 sessions there was a noticeable difference and after another two the pain had completely gone. In these sessions I also learned to be more aware of my body and my posture improved. Barbara Horne.
Lindsay works for Baby Sensory…
I first went to James Crow in August 2011 because of severe neck and shoulder pain. I felt like I’d seized up! The problem had developed after I had quite a big operation in March 2011 on a major muscle in my back. I’d had physio at the hospital but was left with these problems. Within a few weeks the pain was starting to lessen, and I’m very happy to say it had gone completely within three months.
James helped me to understand how important correct posture is. He taught me the correct way to stand, sit, get in and out of chairs and bed, how to lift objects, how to sit at the computer, in the car, even how to hold a book when reading! I think about how I do everything now! I’m pain free and I’m so glad I heard about the Alexander Technique and found an excellent teacher in James. I have to be active in my job and I was very worried about how I could continue with it but now I am fully mobile and energetic. Thanks a million James! The technique has completely changed my life. Lindsay Tipper.
Ryan is an actor…
As an actor, I need to have a clarity of mind & body, whether in an audition, rehearsal or performance, Alexander technique helps me achieve this. Since having Alexander lessons, my work load has increased.
Sue Richards comes for Alexander Technique in Cheshire…
The great news is my back is amazingly good which is due, in no small part, to the lessons I had with you. I am even running now, with no pain!
Christine is a secretary and has Alexander Technique at work in Manchester…
Having tried the Alexander Technique, I thoroughly recommend it to anyone who is thinking about trying something different for pain relief. It has helped my neck pain enormously and my headaches have reduced considerably. It is so relaxing and very easy to enjoy doing and practising. James Crow, the Alexander Technique teacher, made it so easy and enjoyable to learn, many thanks James.
Hend is a Phd student who has Alexander Technique lessons in Stockport…
The Alexander lessons with James have been a great experience overall. After I have tried various treatments including expensive massages, acupuncture, and physiotherapy during the past two years I decided to give this a go without high expectations. Since I started the lessons my shoulder and neck pain has become less frequent and as I progressed through the course it gradually started to fade away.
James was patient to answer all my questions, and he made sure I go home with lots of practice to do. His wealth of experience and encouragement helped me to gain valuable skills of tension release and body awareness that’s effect last beyond the duration of the lesson. It all worked!
Sharon works as a specialist theatre nurse and comes for Alexander Technique in Stockport…
I feel so much better after my sessions in Alexander Technique, and I can sense that this is a technique that will make my life easier, comfier and dare I say it – painfree – with no nasty uncomfortable or invasive therapies. It’s a liberating discovery, many thanks James.
Aquinas College Workshop…
Fantastic! What a great thing to be offered… This activity was life-changing, if we can manage to put into practice what he taught us over a couple of hours… Enjoyed it so much, I’ve already looked into follow-up classes… Fabulous, very inspiring and extremely useful.
Rachel came for Alexander Technique from Marple and had only 6 sessions…
Had tried physio but I needed to learn how to use my body in a better way. Doing this has helped me enormously. Helped with: improved posture, increased awareness, reduced pain, reduced stress, increased confidence, improved energy.
Pauline has just retired as a teacher and came for Alexander Technique lessons in Stockport…
The Alexander Technique makes so much sense and it’s helped my back pain enormously. I have really enjoyed my sessions with James, he’s great teacher and has the patience of a saint – much appreciated ! Thank you, James.
Rebecca works at the University of Manchester and joined the Alexander Technique group class at the University of Manchester…
I’ve found the classes so helpful and have much more energy and less back and neck pain – I’m so glad I did them!
Lorraine is an Estates Quality Manager who had Alexander Technique lessons in Wilmslow…
What James told taught me was to “own” my body – that AT was all about “inhibition” and “direction”. Certainly for new person trying AT out for the first time I thought it a baffling concept but as each lesson passed I found that James was able to guide and relate the technique to everyday situations like driving in my car, sitting at my desk…dealing with difficult situations etc.
James is a great AT teacher- I didn’t realise how good he really was until I was unconsciously lengthening my back and releasing all of my tension in my neck and shoulders and lower back. What this truly meant for me was better sleep, less headaches and ultimately fewer painkillers.
I would certainly recommend James if you were looking for a tutor of AT.
Kathryn from Chetham’s School of Music, where I teach Alexander Technique to musicians at the International Piano School each summer…
Everyone is very positive and grateful for your efforts with them. It is wonderful that you come in, do a great job and cause no problems! I like that.
Joe from the Uni was very grateful for the help…
Hi James, I just wanted to let you know that I thought the course you ran at UoM was really good and I’m grateful for the skills you taught me.
Jane works at Manchester University and was on a group Alexander Technique course…
Thanks for a very enjoyable course, I’m going to miss it, not just because it has helped with a number of aches and pains but because it has also been a little oasis in the middle of the week in which to get away from that monitor!
Your pleasant, easy going manner and charming personality made it a pleasure to attend.
Caron runs the Cheshire and South Manchester Reflexology Group and asked for a group course on Alexander Technique in Manchester…
Your session was very hands-on. We all took away your excellent teachings on how to sit and get up without strain to our bodies. Excellent 2 hours.
Sam from Stockport writes about his Alexander Technique sessions in Stockport…
James has undoubtedly saved my spinal health and that of hundreds like me. During my working day I regularly reflect the time I spent learning from James. I regularly conclude that it was the best financial investment I ever made; I value my spinal and mental health highly! Thanks, James – I look forward to returning for a refresher session soon.
Pam from Cheshire writes…
I saw James at a time when I was suffering severe back pain and he was enormously helpful. His guidance and advice was invaluable in my recovery and I would highly recommend him. Thank you James.
Gail works for the University of Manchester Sports Department. I really, really enjoy giving group courses on the Alexander Technique in Manchester at the University…
Thank you as usual for your wonderful work, we always have good feedback from your classes.
Susan works for the University of Manchester and was on one of my Alexander Technique group courses…
The Alexander Technique course was excellent and the tutor James was first rate.
Alan from Marple comes with his wife for Alexander Technique lessons with me in Offerton….
After six sessions I can fell a positive change and look forward to further sessions. Conditions improved: increased awareness, reduced pain, reduced stress, improved happiness and improved energy.
This testimonial comes from a client in Stockport who had 18 Alexander Technique lessons…
Reason for coming to Alexander Technique: To aid general posture and musclular problems which have caused a variety of problems. Particularly lower back pain and stiff neck.
Result: My stiff neck disappeared after the first lesson and after a couple more I realised that my lower back pain was no more as well. I feel the lessons helped me become more aware of what I am actually doing with my body as well as helping me to relax much much more easily. I feel younger and more supple and most importantly in control of myself. Thanks James! JW, 46, F
Here’s a lovely testimonial from my Macclesfield Alexander Technique clinic…
I was suffering from back pain, particularly whilst cooking, playing the piano or sitting at the computer. There has been a remarkable improvement since going to James. Understanding the basic principles of the Alexander Technique has made it possible for me to stand or sit without the constant nagging pain I had become accustomed to. In addition to the huge benefits received from the lessons, they are relaxed and fun. I’m also sleeping much better again.
Elaine Naylor, Retired musician, 64, F
June Bailey from Cheshire had this to say after her first Alexander Technique lesson with me…
“I am one of your clients from the Wilmslow clinic. I seriously can not believe what I am writing to you here…. from Friday I have had NO PAIN in my hips!!! I have slept through the night with no pain disturbing me, no shooting pains in either hip. How can this be so soon and to be honest I dont know what you did, but it seems to have worked so far. AMAZING…… cant wait for more treatment on the rest of me now.” Weight Watchers leader, Cheshire.
I enjoyed this feedback about his Alexander Technique lessons from teacher Sam who sees me in Stockport. It’s not just posture that Alexander Technique helps. Your quality of life goes up too…
“My lessons with James have enabled me to bridge the surprising reality gap between what I thought my body was doing and what it actually is doing. Studying with James has allowed me to benefit from his knowledge and insight into the Alexander Technique, and has hugely improved my quality of life, physically and psychologically, at home and at work.”
This brief testimonial comes from a client of mine Stockport who came for Alexander Technique sessions in Stockport because of leg and back pain…
After limping most of the time… Leg pains gone. Greatly reduced back pains. Moving a lot more freely.
Sandy, IT worker, 47
This feedback came from sporty local designer Toby who took a 6-lesson Alexander Technique course…
“I took a course of James’ Alexander Technique sessions and was very pleased with the results. He has given me much greater awareness of the way I use my body both in sport and in daily life.”
I often give Alexander Technique workshops, talks and presentations for local societies, charities and associations . Here’s a little feedback from one…
Dear James, thank you so much for an excellent evening. Its rare indeed to find a roomful of teachers laughing and having fun after a long day at work but that was just what did happen tonight. Your approach was interesting and very practical so that we all came away having a good idea of what the Alexander Technique is all about and how valuable it could be to us. I adjusted my car seat before I set off home and I’m quite sure that I wasn’t the only one to have done so! A really great evening and one that we will most definitely repeat.
We asked my clients from the Alexander Technique course at Manchester University “How has the course helped you with any particular heatlh and well-being “. Here are just a few of the replies.
Staff: improved ability to relax and relax tension and pain in shoulders
Student: sitting standing and stop thinking. How to react slowly
Student: My lower back doesn’t hurt any more
Staff: ease of movement, useful tips, can put in practice immediately
Student: Very enthusiastic instructor, good facilities, good sized group
Student: RSI. Gave me more awareness of my posture
Staff: Increased awareness of tension and posture. Really well explained and enthusiastic and confident teacher.
Staff: Better posture
Staff: Posture and back pain. Friendly and relaxing.
Student: My posture is a lot better
Staff: refreshed re: neck/back pain
Student: posture, asthma, anxiety
Feedback from an evening I did for the Red Cross explaining how the Alexander Technique can help back and neck pain…
Thankyou so much for your most interesting and informative talk last evening, I’m sure we shall all benefit from your advice. I’ll call you for more information. However I’m about to try my first active rest session!
Feedback from a talk I gave to the Multiple Sclerosis Society on using the Alexander Technique to help manage Multiple Sclerosis…
Your friendly and laid back approach made everyone feel at ease, and I’m sure you will have some new clients. In particular Vanessa was very impressed as she had had a painful neck for weeks and with your magic touch she found instant relief. Many thanks James for coming to speak and demonstrate to Trafford MS Society, it was a most enjoyable evening.
The following feedback come from the Association of Teachers and Lecturers who had an Alexander Technique workshop on sitting and working without pain…
Thank you so much for an excellent evening. Its rare indeed to find a roomful of teachers laughing and having fun after a long day at work but that was just what did happen tonight. Your approach was interesting and very practical so that we all came away having a good idea of what the Alexander Technique is all about and how valuable it could be to us. I adjusted my car seat before I set off home and I’m quite sure that I wasn’t the only one to have done so!A really great evening and one that we will most definitely repeat.
Here’s some feedback from a workshop I gave to the SRAID department of the University of Manchester…
Thanks so much for the sessions you ran yesterday at our Staff Away Day. Feedback so far is that everyone really enjoyed them, and I can safely say that we will all now be a lot more conscious of what we are doing with our necks!
This feedback came from the Wilmslow Support Group. I gave them a talk to help their massage pro’s end the day with more energy and less back pain…
Thank you James for a brilliant insight into the Alexander Technique. We had a great afternoon – everyone found the presentation useful, interesting and fun. It was great to see everyone laughing and interacting during your talk. Would recommend James to anyone, which I have done. Thanks James.
The following feedback comes from a class I gave at the Paterson Institute, an introduction to Alexander Technique in Withington, Manchester…
I’ve been suffering from computer related RSI for years and I thought I knew everything about how to sit properly at my desk! But I definitely learnt something new. I’m hoping to do the full course in October.
I may be interested in attending further sessions when they start in October. I think James was an excellent trainer, with good knowledge & good communication skills in aiding a large group of participants to grasp the concept of the technique. I would recommend others to attend this course, & would welcome follow up sessions.
I thought the training was fantastic and I am trying to put it to good use. It would be great to have further sessions at the Institute aside from the course he runs at the university as I think it would be of massive benefit.
I think the trainer did very well at engaging everyone in the exercises. he provided good explanation & reasoning behind the Alexander Technique. I feel that the session was just long enough to get all of the information across, so that people could start to make a change, but I feel that follow up sessions would probably be necessary. I cannot think of any comment to make that could aid the trainer in improving or polishing the session.
I would rate the trainer (James Crow): Excellent in knowledge of the subject. Excellent in presentation. Excellent in enthusiasm
I think James was an excellent trainer, with good knowledge & good communication skills in aiding a large group of participants to grasp the concept of the technique. I would recommend others to attend this course, & would welcome follow up sessions.
James seemed a very good instructor. In one session there is not much time to cover everything, but he managed to put across a few ideas and techniques that seem to be helping me. My only problem is remembering to keep doing the exercises.