Your Journey with the Alexander Technique: Your 6 Step Plan

Embark on a transformative journey with our 6 session plan for the Alexander Technique. Improve your posture, reduce pain, and live a more mindful life.

Alexander Technique course

Six Step Plan

  • Take our favourite course after your intro session
  • Stockport Sessions at Peter Bennett Physio, 3 Offerton Lane, Stockport SK25AA
  • 6 x 40 minute sessions
  • Full satisfaction gurantee
  • Valid for 12 months
  • Book your intro to get started!

Welcome to our 6 Step Plan, a comprehensive journey designed to help you master the Alexander Technique and transform your life. Each session is a step forward in your journey towards better posture, less stress, and improved overall well-being.

Embark on a journey of self-improvement and wellness with our 6-Step Alexander Technique plan. Improve your posture, reduce your pain, and enhance your mindfulness.

Session 1: Introduction and Assessment

In the first session, we’ll introduce you to the Alexander Technique. We’ll discuss its principles, benefits, and how it can help you improve your posture, reduce pain, and live a more mindful life.

We’ll conduct an initial assessment to fully understand your unique needs and challenges.

This will help us tailor the following sessions to your specific requirements.

Session 2: Self Awareness and Observation

The second session focuses on self-awareness and observation.

We’ll guide you through exercises that help you become more aware of your posture and movement habits, laying the foundation for positive change.

Session 3: Unlearning Harmful Habits

In the third session, we’ll work on identifying and unlearning harmful postural habits.

We’ll explore how these habits affect your body and we’ll introduce you to techniques that help you replace these habits with more beneficial ones.

Session 4: Learning New Ways of Moving

The fourth session is all about learning new ways of moving. We’ll guide you through exercises that promote ease, balance, and fluidity in movement.

You’ll start to experience the transformative power of the Alexander Technique.

Session 5: Integration into Daily Life

In the fifth session, we’ll focus on integrating the principles and techniques you’ve learned into your daily life.

We’ll discuss strategies for maintaining good posture and mindfulness during everyday activities.

Session 6: Review and Future Planning

The sixth session is a review of what you’ve learned and experienced during the previous sessions.

We’ll discuss your progress, address any questions or concerns you may have, and plan for your continued practice of the Alexander Technique beyond the sessions.

We’ll provide you with exercises and techniques to continue practicing at home, ensuring that the benefits of the Alexander Technique become a lasting part of your life. We’ll refine the techniques you’ve learned and further personalize the approach based on your progress and feedback.

This session ensures that the Alexander Technique is working optimally for you.

Start Your Journey Today

Are you ready to start your journey with the Alexander Technique? Our 6 Step Plan is designed to provide you with a comprehensive, personalized approach to mastering the Alexander Technique. Book a session today and start your journey to better posture, less pain, and a more mindful way of living.

Six Step Plan

  • Take our favourite course after your intro session
  • Stockport Sessions at Peter Bennett Physio, 3 Offerton Lane, Stockport SK25AA
  • 6 x 40 minute sessions
  • Full satisfaction gurantee
  • Valid for 12 months
  • Book your intro to get started!

Book Today!

I only work with a maximum of 15 people each week, and many prebook their sessions well in advance. This ensures I get the time to look after and help you properly one-to-one!